
Archbishop of Baghdad confirms that Iraqi Christians pay jizya

December 14, 2011

This corroborates with the findings of the U.S. State Department in its annual reports on international religious freedom.  Far from being a dead tax of caliphates past, the jizya remains alive against Sikhs in Pakistan, Copts in Egypt, Jews in Yemen, the Greek Orthodox in Cyprus, and yes, Christians in Iraq.  From Catholic World News on Dec. 12:

Baghdad: some Christians reduced to dhimmitude

The Latin Rite archbishop of Baghdad says that some Christians have been reduced to dhimmitude and are being forced to pay the jizya, a special tax that permits them to practice their faith.

Christians are “helplessly witnessing crime, mafia, or militia,” says Archbishop Jean Benjamin Sleiman, who told Aid to the Church in Need that Christmas Mass will be “celebrated during the day, for safety reasons. It will be a Christmas between fear and sturdy faith.”

The prelate called upon the international community to support Iraq’s government “so that Iraq once again becomes a [place of] rule of law.”

Similar but more detailed coverage is available at Independent Catholic News about Iraq’s Christians being “under siege.”


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