
Diplomatic dynamite: ISI-Headley connection

November 24, 2009

Yours truly, American Delight, has been ALL OVER Pakistani-American Muslim David C. Headley with posts here on Money Jihad and comments (here and here) at Jihad Watch.  This is the creep who was arrested in Illinois for plotting against the Danish newspaper that printed the Muhammad cartoons, who traveled to India prior to the 26/11 Mumbai attacks to size up targets for Lashkar-e-Taiba, and whose buddy’s halal goat slaughterhouse was raided by the feds.  This is the only photo I could find.

Jihadist David Headley

Quite the looker… Is it just me or does Headley look like a Pakistani Michael Meyers?

Lately, I’ve also been posting about the troublesome activities of Pakistan’s intelligence service ISI, especially ISI’s connection to the jihadist organizations LeT and the Taliban.

Now it all comes together, as the Hindustan Times reports that David C. Headley may have been coordinating with the ISI prior to the Mumbai attacks:

The US investigators believe some elements in Pakistan’s ISI could be linked to American terror suspect David Headley, who is currently in FBI custody for trying to plot attacks in India.

The investigators made this assessment on the basis of the arrest of “two key persons” in Pakistan, sources said. Illyas Kashmiri, a former Pakistani military officer who has become a militant commander associated with both Al-Qaeda and Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), is one among them.

If the allegations are true, this could have serious implications for America’s ongoing support of Pakistan in general and the ISI in particular.  With the FBI cutting contacts with CAIR, and with mounting evidence of ISI double-crossing, the time has come for the CIA to rethink its ISI relationship.

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